Sunday, February 7, 2010


I know this blog has been silent for awhile, and this is why. I have just finished writing Book Three in the Ladybug Farm Series, which will be out in October. And may I say-- what a gorgeous cover! Once again the folks in the Art Department at Berkley Books have outdone themselves for the sake of Ladybug Farm.

So that's Announcement Number One. Announcement Number Two is that I will be closing this blog for at least the time being (although I will leave current posts up through the summer). As Bridget discovers in LOVE LETTERS FROM LADYBUG FARM, keeping up with a blog is time consuming and often takes your attention away from other things (in my case, writing books!). Also, I have discovered that my readers prefer to stay in touch with me through e-mail , which is easy enough to do if you click "contact us" on my web site. I always answer e-mails from Ladybug Farm readers! I will continue to send out my quarterly newsletter via e-mail, and of course if you have ever e-mailed me about Ladybug Farm, you remain on my list for e-mail notification about upcoming books, personal appearances etc.

If you don't already receive my newsletter and you would like to do so, you can sign up here. Just put "newsletter" in the comment box, and remember that you will have to set your e-mail service to allow group mailings, and to receive e-mail from me.

If you'd like to keep up with what's going on in my (very limited) view of the world of books and writers, check in with me at A Writer Reads, my other occasional blog.

Meantime, be sure to visit my web site often for updates on what I'm working on now and excerpts from upcoming books . And keep in touch!


Anonymous June 7, 2010 at 7:23 AM  

I love this series. Can hardly wait for the third book to come out. Keep them coming Donna.

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